Sometimes we cannot tell what the hot tears are really all about. They come in waves until that crying spasm fades and you can carry on again. The tears do bring bodily relief of some kind. If you try to stop the tears and attempt to carry on stoically, the pain is worse in the long run. You may have instead a tight chest or stomach problems. Sorrow and loneliness have to be allowed to flow freely, even if only for a couple of minutes.
There is release in tears. To begin the healing process, the 'getting over it', the sorrow has to be faced and experienced immediately. To say, ‘I will wait until the weekend when I am on my own’, will only make it harder to find relief. |
In all your grief, place your hand in the hand of God. He will not cast you away but will hold you close, and hold your hand through it all. God truly does give the strength and the comfort to continue living and carry on. He still listens and supports when even friends and family have grown tired of giving sympathy and want to carry on living.
Did you know, even little creatures, like magpies or swans that mate for life, feel grief and loss after the death of their mate? This sadness is the most natural thing to feel in your heart when someone you have had a special bond with has passed away and gone from you, someone whom you know will never walk in through the door again. Maybe the tears have come as you have read some of these words. That is not a bad thing. Perhaps you have needed to cry? We can sometimes bottle up grief for years.
There is solace. There is comfort.
In the Bible, which is God’s word to us, Jesus says,
Matthew 5: 4 Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted'.
He will not take away the pain for that is a natural reaction, but we are sustained, and guidance is given to know what to do next. He promises,
'I will guide thee.'
He says too,
'When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee.'
Here is a promise to learn by heart.
'For I, the Lord thy God, will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not, I will help thee.' 'Fear thou not for I am with thee, be not dismayed; for I am thy God, I will strengthen thee.'
God does keep His promises. Every day the sun comes up and in the evening it sets. The seasons come in their turn. These things show us that God is reliable and that He can be trusted. |
Will you reach out your hand and put it in His? He is awake in the night, when you are alone. He is there when it is grey and raining, He sees each tear, and knows each sigh. There is no choking wave of sorrow that He does not feel for He is
‘touched with the feeling of our infirmities’
God is a God of comfort at all times. He longs for you to come to Him and share all your grief with Him so that He can help you.
'Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.' |
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