Lonely Questions
Death And Beyond


Lonely Questions
What is Life?
What is death?
Death and God

Souls and spirits
in the Old Testament

If there is a God why does He allow suffering?
Souls and spirits in the New Testament
Hell fire examined
Can the dead speak to us?
Resurrection hope
Commonly asked questions
‘Be of good comfort’
Understanding and coping with bereavement
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

“If a man die shall he live again?” Job, in the Bible, asked this question.

The death certificate has been signed. Already things have changed, the earthly remains do not look the same. The undertaker now refers to your loved one as ‘the body’ This is so painful, and something of a shock, but people are only doing their job.

What is beyond? Is there a heaven or a hell? What is life? What is death. It seems as if a light has gone out in someone’s life. What has happened? What will happen when my time comes? Where do we go? Could we be lost forever? Is this all there is?

These are very lonely questions. Death is the great concern in all our lives. It is the great unknown and these thoughts come to us all at some time.

But God knows just how afraid and alone we feel for He calls it slavery.
“Who through the fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.”

But in answer He says,
“Fear not, I am alive for evermore and have the keys of death.”

There are other lonely questions:

  • Why can’t I stop crying?
  • Am I losing my mind?
  • I feel so empty inside, does anyone care?
Death and Beyond will give you the answers to these questions and many more. The Bible is the source of these answers. You will find other helpful insights in the pages specifically on Bereavement.

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