If you take away the law of God, then there is no judgement and no penalty. There is no acknowledgement of the gift of life from God, nor of the commandment, ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ Consider the number of abortions that take place annually, connected with this mindset. ‘If it is right for you, then it is right’. You are your own authority. The womb becomes the most dangerous and unsafe place for an unborn child to be.
These sentences explain it. ‘You cannot make any differentiation between the individual and the Universal soul. He (the individual) will know that god dwells within him and not only within him but in everything about him, every rock, every tree, every plant, every flower … god is the substance of all things. |
When he breathes, he breathes god as much as he does the air. God is in the very air he breathes.’ We are believed to be immortal beings, pervaded by ‘god’ who is universal energy and with this ‘christ’ in us we are ‘twins’ of god.
Do you notice how there is no new language used to explain these concepts but the words of the Bible given a new twisted meaning. Here are some of those words—god, Christ, everlasting life, god in us, authority. There are more. Satan cannot make anything new and original. He takes what the Creator has said and makes a counterfeit.
The teaching of the pagan religions on life and death comes from the East. These teachings are ancient, but in it all the teachings of God came first. Reincarnation is part of these teachings of the inherent immortality of the soul as against conditional immortality. It teaches that souls migrate from one body to another until complete purification has been achieved. This view is common to several eastern religions, but with variations. It involves the belief that souls emanate from the Supreme Spirit. The soul is separated from the real source of its life, and is placed in a body, but is bound eventually to return to it and be merged again into the divine entity. But first it must strive to be free of guilt and contamination. Satan’s two lies lead to loss of individuality. By contrast the Bible teaches the importance of our individuality throughout life and eternity, giving dignity to humanity.
The ancient teaching of migratory souls is thought to have come from India, to Egypt, to Greece. It was held in Persia as well as in Egypt. There was an attempt to bring it into Christianity with Origen’s view that souls had a pre-existence somewhere before coming here. This did not survive generally, but is still held in the Mormon faith.
Marilyn Ferguson, in her book The Aquarian Conspiracy, the definitive book of the New Age Movement when it was first published, speaks with praise and encouragement for the growing Charismatic Renewal, saying that it reflected true religion for there was no authority for right and wrong, but yourself and your experience. Therefore it is believed, that to have a joyous personal experience of the spirit supersedes both Bible study and obedience to the narrow ways of ‘established’ religion. You become your own god in religious things. This is how the occult of the East joins hands with immortal soul teaching of today’s Western charismatic followers. It has become an tenet acceptable to the western mind, but with the same influence of the eastern all-pervading world soul. |