seeking unity and peace—United Nations, World Health Organisation, International Peace Keeping forces and many others.
The immortal spirit that lives within each of us is said to make us all of one. In this we should tolerate and respect one another in all things, regardless of the laws of the Creator God. Such a Humanity is expecting to find its own solutions to right and wrong. The God in heaven with His divine laws of right and wrong is seen to be superseded and unnecessary in the world, and even divisive where unity is sought. |
Could attempts for unity be furthered by the deceptive influence of spirits [evil angels] bringing the whole world into one, against God? Some of the most influential political leaders have a spirit guide, and these same leaders are working by one means and another towards unity and away from the individual. Deception will be powerful. |
He maketh fire come down from heaven, on the earth in the sight of men, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles.
Revelation 13:13,14.
In Africa, the same teachings with variations is known as Animism. Robert Coughlan in his book, Black magic: Vital force in Africa’s new nations, says that Animism as the basic belief is so called from the Latin word ‘Anima’ meaning soul. Animism holds that all things, alive or inanimate, - stones, trees, animals - have not merely a visible self but an inner essential self that makes them what they are. ‘These inner selves are conscious, they have feelings … and they can take revenge if they are disturbed.’ ‘After physical death, the human soul goes to heaven for a while, but then returns to reside in or near the family hut until it is reincarnated in the same family group… A new baby at some time does not take after his late relative, he is the late relative.’ The spirits of dead chiefs therefore play a crucial role in the community. It is also noted that the Nganga is the witchdoctor. His magic is supposedly protective, and he is a frequently a soothsayer, able to divine using omens and signs. |
He is also a trance medium. Coughlan goes on to make this important statement: ‘The psychological mechanism involved is the same as that which accounts for the cures associated with hypnosis and faith healing in other societies.’ These phenomena are found in charismatic groups in Western religion, with these personal evidences supposedly confirming that you can be your own god - as Marilyn Ferguson in her book, The Aquarian Conspiracy noted with approbation. The New Age says that there is no higher authority for you, than yourself. |
BUT there is a prophecy in Isaiah 2:6 |
Therefore Thou [i.e. God] has forsaken Thy people … because they be replenished from the east, and are soothsayers [a diviner, telling the future by omens] like the Philistines. |
The words ‘from the east’ now make sense with a new immediacy, in understanding God’s warnings in the Bible. A world seeking a new spiritual experience is very easily drawn to the ancient occult thought of the eastern world. Eastern thought is based entirely on the immortality of the soul and the god within. The ‘immortality of the soul’ idea is bred into us from our first days of understanding and so we are conditioned to accept other manifestations arising out of this view, which come to us from the East.
Would God have promised eternal life and |
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