Death And Beyond


Lonely Questions
What is Life?
What is death?
Death and God

Souls and spirits
in the Old Testament

If there is a God why does He allow suffering?
Souls and spirits in the New Testament
Hell fire examined
> Life and death in ancient teaching
Can the dead speak to us?
Resurrection hope
Commonly asked questions
‘Be of good comfort’
Understanding and coping with bereavement
immortality if we already have it within us? God teaches immortality conditional on our obedience to Him.
God says in His word,

I am the way, the truth, and the life. John 14:6.
The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life.
For God so loved the world that... whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16.
He shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

James 1:12

If ye love me keep my commandments. John 14:15
Everlasting life is conditional. What kind of promise or reward would that be if we already had it? Satan’s lies are totally the opposite of the Bible’s teaching. Yet a poll would show that most of the world believes both major lies that Satan told right at the very beginning, ‘Ye shall not die‘. ‘Ye shall be as gods.’

Belief in the ‘lie of the immortal soul’ and ‘the godness within us’, fills the whole world and is the foundation of all spirituality. It is the major unifying tool for teaching spiritual and political oneness.

Is this unity from God or is it a false unity from the Devil? If today you believe in an immortal soul within you, and that you are responsible only to yourself for any decisions you take, it means that it will be easier for you to be deceived into making spiritual choices, which eventually will lead to your destruction and loss of life.

Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served, and serve ye the LORD.
And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15,16

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